Tag Archives: glaze

Easy Easter Eggs & Bunnies

I have been doing cookies pretty much non-stop since Christmas. Soo I decided to go with an easy design for my Easter cookies. 

I absolutely love how they turned out! 

 I outlined and iced all of them in plain white. This alone saved me so much time! 

The bunnies I reoutlined once they were dry, and dipped in rainbow non-pareils.   

I normally don’t like bunny cookies but this shape is so adorable and it’s only about 2 1/2 inches tall. Simple yet still festive and fun!

For the eggs I wanted a speckled look. I mixed food coloring with a few drops of lemon juice (normally I’d use vodka but I didn’t have any). 


Then used a straight edge paintbrush and a toothpick to “flick” coloring all over the cookies. 


I did both pink and blue and I’m kind of obsessed with how cute they are!


Hope everyone has an amazing Easter weekend!



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Gender Reveal Party Cookies

My sweet coworker Tiffany is expecting her first baby. She asked me to make her cookies for her gender reveal party. The cookies were not doing the actual “reveal” so they just had to be blue and pink or something creative including both colors.

While racking my brain for ideas, I saw these cookies posted to Instagram. Tiffany LOVED the idea, so I went with it!

They bit into the reveal cupcake to find out that they’re having a girl!


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Racecar Cookies

I bought a 3D printed racecar cutter that was going to be PERFECT for these racecar cookies for Syler’s Hotwheels party. When it came time to cut and bake the cookies, I pulled out the cutter and it had somehow gotten warped! Like unfixable, way too skinny, crooked warped.

Onto Plan B. I’ve had this 57 Chevy cutter since way back when – when I made 300 of them. It is way too long and fancy for racecars, so I had to do quite some trimming. I used my warped cutter as a reference.

I outlined in black to make the colors POP.

Then filled them in a bright blue.

I added window and tires, then red rims and a big red 4. Because Syler is 4! (Remember when he was 3? and 2? and 1?) I can’t believe I’ve had the privilege of making cookies for every birthday he’s had!


Happy Birthday Syler!



Filed under Cookies

Vegan Buttercream & Vegan Icing

I outline all my sugar cookies in buttercream frosting. Not only does it taste amazing (duh, it’s buttercream), but it holds shape well and gives me texture I can’t get with my normal runny frosting.

A while back (when I made these) I made vegan buttercream using vegan butter. I made it a little bit different this time, but honestly it’s super adaptable so you can go many ways.


Vegan Buttercream


1 stick vegan butter (I used the Earth Balance baking sticks)

1 lb powdered sugar

3 tbsp almond milk (you can also use soymilk, coconut water, nondairy creamer, etc.)

2 tsp vanilla


1. Dump powdered sugar in the mixing bowl, and top with the vegan butter, cut into small chunks.

2. Add the almond milk and vanilla and beat until smooth.


The next part was more challenging. I normally use an icing made of just powdered sugar and milk, and it dries into a nice hard icing. THANK GOODNESS I tested the icing with almond milk the night before I needed it. It never set up! (Even 3 days later!) Once I realized this, I jumped into plan B. Pam at Cookie Crazie to the rescue! Pam is a minority in the cookie decorating world because she uses Glaze instead of Royal Icing. Royal Icing is made with either egg whites or meringue powder (which is made of egg whites). Glaze is made with corn syrup and water! Perrrrfect for vegan cookies. As I had never made actual Glaze before, I started with Pam’s recipe and tweaked it just slightly.


(Vegan) Glaze Icing


1 lb powdered sugar

1/4 cup corn syrup

1/2 tsp clear vanilla extract

scant 1/2 tsp almond extract

approx 1/4 cup water

few drops of white food coloring


1. Mix all ingredients together, adding white food coloring last.

2. Add more water to thin if necessary. (I did add a bit more water to mine.)


This icing is so lovely. It flows only slightly thicker than my icing, but works pretty much the same way. And it dries so much nicer than mine.

I was bummed that I didn’t have any extra cookies for the shower so that I could taste one with the icing. The next cookies I make I’m going to use Glaze again so I can taste test. 🙂 It might just be my new icing of choice!




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